10 Easy Things You Can Do To Make You Feel More Organized
Hey! Welcome to Jenna’s Day. A place where I, Jenna, tell you whatever I want.
If you’re anything like me, you literally cannot function in a state of chaos. You need everything to be in its place and away and you need it to be like that ALL THE TIME (impossible, I know, but necessary). If you are nothing like me, you have clicked on this post for organizational advice and I’m here to help. Let’s get you one step closer to organized chaos. Here are 10 easy things you can do to make you feel more organized!
I don’t know about you, but in my house, the floors get covered with dirty clothes, boxes to throw out, game controllers (this can’t just be my boyfriend?), pillows, and little weird piles of things I am “getting to” or “will deal with later.” Make it a goal that every night before you go to bed, just pick. it. up.
Put clothes in the hamper, hang up the clean clothes in the corner that have been sitting on there for a week, find a place for your 20 pairs of shoes near the door, everything. Getting your shit off the floor will make you feel much more organized (plus there are a few bonus points for getting things done you were putting off, see clean clothes in the corner).
As soon as you get up in the morning, make your bed. Not only will it deter you from getting back into it, but it’s an easy habit to get into to make you more organized. Your bedroom should be a place you want to come home to and relax in. Now that your floors are picked up (#1 – you’re welcome), make your bed and see how much better you feel. Something about a made bed makes you feel accomplished and ready for the day.

The easiest thing to get organized is your closet. Okay hear me out, I know it seems like a daunting task, BUT you have be in it for the long haul. Organizing your closet will take time, but once its complete, you’ll never say you have nothing to wear again (LOL imagine).
First step is to get all matching, thin hangers. Get a pack and take a few out. Each time you hang up clothes, use your new hangers. Eventually, you will have all the clothes you actually wear hung on your new hangers, and you can donate the clothes on the old hangers because you clearly don’t wear them and have your Marie Kondo moment!
As you hang up your clothes on your new hangers, find a way to organize them. Some examples could be by length, type of clothing (ex. tanks, tees, long sleeves, sweaters, etc.), by color, or whatever works for you (I do a weird mix of all three). You can do this all at once, or again, as you go. Once your closet is finished it will be much easier to find what to wear and you will be organized at the top of the day when you get dressed. You’re welcome.

Now, this may sound like a no brainer, but I’m going to say it anyway: clear off your surfaces, whether that be the coffee table, the kitchen counters, your over-cluttered nightstand, the bathroom counter that still has your curling iron sitting on it from this morning (guilty!) – just put it all away. It’s as easy as that.

Spend a few extra minutes at night or in the morning and just put things where they go. It’s really easy to get overwhelmed when your shit is everywhere, and I’m not talking about a deep cleaning, just a quick run through to put the curling iron away and the laptop back on the charger. Easy peezy (but life-changing).
This is the easiest one by far. Every day, make a to-do list with everything you need to do. Put the most important tasks at the top and the less important on the bottom. Be sure to add a box to check them all off and by the end of the day, you can see you aren’t as lazy as you thought you were! Win!

Easier said than done, right? I feel you. Here’s the rule (for the most part): if you haven’t used it or worn it in over a year, get rid of it. There’s always going to the be the exceptions of things you aren’t ready to get rid of or think you might use again, but be real with yourself.
Make a trash pile of your useless crap and then a donate pile for things you just aren’t loving anymore, but someone else will. You can choose to do this one room at a time, ORRRRR as you pick up your floors and surfaces. Maybe you find something on your nightstand and realize you don’t want it there, and you know what? You don’t want it at all. Donate it! You get the idea.
Clean up your work life. Whether you work using a desk or a desktop, clean it up. Having a clear desktop is so satisfying and makes me a hell of a lot more productive. Same goes for your actual desk. Too much shit going on creates chaos and excuses.
Get your papers, old sticky notes, and snacks in order and create an organized space so you can get shit done. If you are working from home, be sure to create a clean, organized space for work stuff to create a work/homelife balance. Just because you work from home doesn’t mean you should make a habit out of working in bed. (even when you just don’t feeeeel like getting up). Separate and organize, people!
Once a week (for me, that’s Sunday nights), sit down and PLAN. Plan your meals, make a grocery list, and plan ahead for the week. I usually plan 3-4 meals per week. Be sure to take a mental inventory of your fridge and pantry before creating a plan and use up what you have. Then make a grocery list of what you need and set a day to go out and shop. Then think ahead. Any events this week? Dinners? Birthdays? Any obligations, be sure to write them down.

I recently started using the notes in my phone for grocery lists and meal plans and google calendar for my events. Now you will know where you need to be and when AND all food is taken care of. Done and done. I will be doing a blog post on my weekly sit down soon so keep an eye out!
This one doesn’t seem like much, but I can definitely assure you it gets your to-do list dowwwwnnnn. Two ideas here: 1) use waiting time to accomplish tasks, and 2) group similar tasks together. Let’s break these down.
Let’s say you are heating up your food in the microwave. What can you get done in those 90 seconds? Use this downtime to get something done, maybe clean those surfaces perhaps?
For grouping tasks together: do you have three things to do all on the computer? Do them all at once. What about errands to run? Do them all in one shot. Bring your target return and grocery list with you (don’t forget reusable bags!) and kill two birds with one stone. This might seem obvious, but when you have a lot to do, it’s hard to stay focused. These are both great ways to organize your time and keep you feeling motivated.
Always remember who’s #1: YOU! Be sure to make time at least once a week for some self-care. Self-care can be whatever you want it to be, but schedule it in your week. Add it to your weekly sit down and decide when you are going to get your nails done or give yourself a facial (when it’s on your list, its something else to cross off, and that’s the goal here, right? Easy endorphins. It’s a good feeling, trust me!). Whatever you choose, organize your time to include yourself.

Because you are always on the go, it’s important to set aside time for yourself. It lets your mind unwind and will make you more productive and organized in the long run. You need some reboot time to stay on track with your organization and avoid burn out. You’ll thank me later.
And that’s it! 10 things you can do to make yourself more organized (and productive). These are all small simple changes you can implement all at once or one at a time. Be sure to keep an eye out for blog posts in the future and follow me on Instagram @jennablazi to stay up to date on when I post something new. Thanks for clicking on Jenna’s Day 😊