March Favorites
Hey! Welcome to Jenna’s Day. A place where I, Jenna, talk about whatever I want.
Today’s post is the third in my Monthly Favorites series. This post is coming a little late due to the self isolation/quarantine going on lately (don’t worry, this post won’t be about that), but I didn’t want to miss any months this whole year! My favorites this month are definitely a little different than usual, due to never leaving my house and going a little stir-crazy, but I want to be honest about what I’ve actually been loving.
Food and Drink
I have 2 very different items in this category this month. The first thing I’ve been loving lately in this Caesar dressing. I’ve been trying to make a ton of salads at home in an attempt to eat healthy during this time of staying inside (thanks Chicago “spring”). It’s super yummy, vegetarian (which is usually hard to find since anchovies are typically in Caesar salad dressing), dairy free, and also super cheap. I usually pick mine up at Target, but I’ve linked it above from Amazon so you don’t have to leave home to try some.
The second thing in this category is at the complete other end of the spectrum than salad-related foods: Girl Scout Cookies. About a month ago, Nate and I were driving home and, about two blocks away, we saw a troop of Girl Scouts selling cookies outside (remember outside?) a Trader Joe’s. We came to a red light and Nate handed me his wallet and said “buy as many as you can carry, meet you at home.”

Nearly 10 boxes of frozen thin mints later, these are my newest obsession. We recently ran out, then found out all those boxes are being sold online now, so we may or may not have ordered 5 more boxes of thin mints and put them in our freezer… by the way, if you have never tried frozen thin mints, you NEED to immediately.

Makeup and Beauty
This category is interesting this month. I think I actually did my makeup less than 10 times in the entire month of March. Nonetheless, there are still some favorites worth mentioning. I’ve been obsessed with this Going Coconuts pallet by ColourPop. I love the neutral colors in this pallet and the pigment of these shadows. I’m not one to try loud pops of color and always go for nudes, and this pallet does just that, and for only $12?! SOLD! This is a ColourPop exclusive to their website so I will insert a photo in the best lighting I can find so you can see the gorgeous shades. This pallet is a new staple for me for sure.

The second item in this category is this Kristin Ess purple shampoo. I linked it at Target, since that’s the cheapest I could find, but I know it’s also available on Amazon. As a fake blonde, purple shampoo is a must and I have really been loving this formula. It’s lightweight, sulphate-free, and cruelty-free! It really helps eliminate brassy tones in my hair. I usually use this once a week to bring life back to my blonde.
Home Décor and Products
Home décor has not really been something high on my priorities lately, but I have ordered a few things online that I love. I ordered this shelf from Urban Outfitters that I have been using to hold all my essential oils and I am in love with it. I love the macrame top! It looks so cute in my little corner.
Another thing that has been bringing me joy this month is being a plant-mom. I love our plants and the matching pots I got for them. I will insert pictures of my plants below: 😊🌱

Clothing and Accessories
I have two things to share in this category this month. The first are these cute new boots I got from Target (sorry not sorry about all the Target content – we live right across the street from one). I bought two pairs for this spring season (you can never have too many black boots, right?!). Simple, cute, comfortable, and goes with everything. They will be linked in the image descriptions.

The second thing are these socks from DivvyUp. These are socks with my love bug Harry on them. Harry crossed over the rainbow bridge earlier this year and Nate bought my mom and I matching socks! DivvyUp is a website where you can upload a picture and get them customized on a pair of socks sent to your house! Love these. ❤️

There are a whopping three in this category this month! The first is my new old show, One Tree Hill. This is my second watch, and the drama is as good as ever. All 9 seasons from the early 2000s are on Hulu. Trust me, try it and come back and leave me a comment when you know Jimmy Jam!
The second is another new old thing, this time a new book (well new for me), Paper Towns. This book was written by John Green in the early 2000s and I have not been able to put it down. I’ve been trying to read before bed each night and this is super suspenseful and really well-written.
The final thing in this category this month that is taking up most of my free time, is Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I haver never played anything in the Animal Crossing franchise before and I cannot put my Switch down since buying it. It’s hard to fully explain, but in a nutshell, Animal Crossing is a peaceful place where you create a little town and do daily tasks like chopping wood, building furniture and bridges, planting flowers, and talking to villagers. It might not sound like there’s much to do, but explain that to the 30+ hours I (and 50+ hours for Nate) have put into this game in the last two weeks. This is hands-down my favorite game of all time, and I love playing it everyday.

Nate’s Favorites
P.S. So Nate and I have been home a lot together lately (obviously), so he wanted to quickly share his favs on the blog this month!
Food and Drink: La Croix Tangerine flavor. The first time you try La Croix it is bad, but you want another. Tangerine tastes the least bad of all the other flavors, and I am addicted. Krave Cereal is the best cereal. It tastes good, feels good, and it’s a king of cereal that even when you keep it in milk too long, it is still very edible. Good for Krave!
Makeup and Beauty: Citrus soap from Every Man Jack is the soap I have been using for many years, but even in March, it is still my favorite soap! I also have a shaving mirror (similar one to what he has linked here) that is magic: see yourself in the shower, steam-free! This will change the way you shower and shave forever.
Home Decor and Products: Nintendo Switch (also had this for a few years but with Animal Crossing out, I am very thankful for it). Beats Noise Cancelling Headphones now that Jen and I are both working together and Jen likes to sing every song that comes on the Alexa, even if she doesn’t know the words. It is fun.
Clothing and Accessories: Slothman sweatshirts that will make your coworkers say “oh…” and living in sweatpants that were cheap from Old Navy. I won’t link them here since I think I bought them four years ago…
Entertainment: Animal Crossing: New Horizons (obviously) and Phineas and Ferb on Disney+ – dude, this show is so funny! Kids just wouldn’t appreciate it as much as I am.
Aaaand there you have it! All my (and Nate’s, lol) March favs I’ve been loving. Month three, in the books. Be sure to subscribe to my email list to be notified when a blog post goes up in this series and others too! Thanks for clicking on Jenna’s Day 😊
Because I share affiliate marketing strategies with you all on my blog, naturally my content may contain affiliate links for products and services I use and love. If you choose to purchase anything through my links, I may get some Potbelly cookie money, which I promise to eat while making more content like this. ♥