April Favorites
Hey! Welcome to Jenna’s Day. A place where I, Jenna, talk about whatever I want. Today’s post is the fourth in my Monthly Favorites series. I’ve really enjoyed coming up with favorites every month and looking back at my old favs!
I have 2 things in the food and drink category this month. The first one is this amazing banana bread recipe that we’ve made and I am obsessed with. I have been more into cooking and baking since this whole “stay at home” thing, so I thought I would give this a try when I noticed there was no way I could finish 5 browning bananas in time (it can’t just be me who buys more bananas than humanly possible to eat before they go bad?). Needless to say, I was not disappointed! It was so good and (sorry for using this word) moist. I loved having it for breakfast for the rest of the week!
The next item in this category is a quick share. We found a new (to us) vegan wine at our local grocery store and I thought I would share. The brand is called Seven Daughters and it makes me happy to have a wine in our fridge that is cheap, vegan, and sold at Target! We might have gone a bit overboard in buying an appropriate number of bottles…

I don’t know about you, but I have been living in dry shampoo lately. I have nowhere to go and no reason to get ready for anything so my hair has been consistently in a bun with dry shampoo for dayssss #sorrynotsorry. My favorite dry shampoo is the living proof dry shampoo. It smells fresh and does not leave any powdery residue at all. My hair still feels smooth and like my actual hair instead of some weird stringy and powdery mess like other dry shampoos leave it. I also having been liking the Not Your Mother’s one as well, but the smell is a little overpowering at times, but overall, it does a good job for being a drug store option.

The second thing is my new skincare holy grail: the Kate Somerville Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment. My skin has been looooving this lately. Any time I see a breakout coming on or need some extra treatment on any acne I have, I put this on at night and it helps kill any texture or bumps on my face. I’ve been making Nate use it too and he’s been noticing a significant improvement as well (not that it fully matters right now given no one else is seeing him but me and occasionally the Target employees across the street). I love this treatment and I’ve linked it from Amazon, but I bought mine at Ulta when free shipping or a coupon is active!

The first item in this category this month is my avocado saver (I’ve linked it here). These are basically silicone molds that help keep half an avocado fresh and less messy. I have been using these a ton lately and love that they come in different sizes, are dishwasher safe, and a great environmentally-friendly replacement for disposable Ziplocs (which is what I was using before). This 2-pack is cheap and is constantly used in my house as of recently.
The second item is my essential oil diffuser, well, really the blend I’ve been diffusing. I have a cheap diffuser from Amazon (linked here) that lights up different colors and takes a decent amount of water, so I would definitely say you don’t have to spend a ton of money on a good diffuser. The blends I have been diffusing make my home smell amazing. My favorites at the moment are from Young Living: Grapefruit, for an amazing citrus uplifting scent, Peace and Calming, for a calming nighttime relaxing scent that I looooove, and a combo of Valor and Lemon which makes your house smell like pink lemonade – I’m definitely obsessed with it. I also want to mention that Lemon oil has been my new most-used essential oil. I put it down the garbage disposal and trash can for a fresh smell, use it to remove sticky residue (like a natural Goo Gone), clean with it, and obviously diffuse it. If I had to pick one, I think Lemon oil is a good starter oil if you are just getting into essential oils.

During this time in quarantine, I have been trying my best to shop small as much as I can. So instead of sharing a few favorite items, I want to share a few Etsy shops and websites I’ve ordered from and have been loving. The Etsy shop BlairLambDesign has the cutest “stay at home tees” and sweatshirts. I have one that says Homebody Forever and it’s the softest and comfiest sweatshirt I own. Go check her shop out for sure!

RaritybyCasey on Instagram has the cutest headbands and bowbands. She has her website linked in her Instagram bio and does a shop opening about once a month.

I have also been really into clay earrings from Etsy. They are super trendy, different and so cute! I’ve ordered from a few shops, specifically BuffandBeige (pics of earrings shown below) and my friend’s beautiful shop, MARIPOSALAINE. I can’t wait for these to come in the mail soon!

If you’re anything like me, you have been consuming too much media lately. My phone needs to just stop judging me with those screen time notifications! I have been *trying* to do home workouts a few times a week and be motivated(ish). Blogilates has been my go to for workout videos and workout calendars. She’s super motivating and has lots of helpful (and sometimes painful) exercises in short bursts. Her name is Cassey but her @ is @Blogilates everywhere. She has a Youtube Channel and Instagram that I will link here.
The second thing that has been taking up lots of my time this month is Merrick’s Art blog. She has so many fun blog posts about style and clothing and shopping and I just love perusing through her website and Insta stories.
And that’s it – all my April favs I’ve been loving, kind of a lot this month! I can’t believe it’s already May, this last month just flew by. Month four, down. Be sure to subscribe to my email list to be notified when a blog post goes up in this series and others too! Thanks for clicking on Jenna’s Day 😊
Because I share affiliate marketing strategies with you all on my blog, naturally my content may contain affiliate links for products and services I use and love. If you choose to purchase anything through my links, I may get some Potbelly cookie money (whenever I get to actually go out to Potbelly), which I promise to eat while making more content like this. ♥

One Comment
Dan Blazi
The banana bread recipe looks yummy! I’m going to have to try it. Love the bowband pic 😂